Rotary Club of Darjeeling Himalayas - Rotary India

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Dignitaries of Rotary

Sukhminder Singh
District Governor 2024-25

Sukhminder Singh , a member since 1998,
 joined Rotary club of Burdwan Greater as a charter member & became President of the club in the year 2004-05 during the centennial year of Rotary.
 He holds the several responsibilities in the club & the District in different avenues .
Sukhminder attended many International Rotary club meetings in England, Belgium & Scotland & abled to create a lifelong relationships.
Sukhminder , a Major Donor Level 2,  a Paul Harris Society member, Great supporter of Polio plus Fund . His entire family is Paul Harris Fellow members .
He is member of many Rotary Action Groups , such as ESRAG ( Environmental sustainability action group), WASHRAG ( water & sanitation hygiene rotary action group) , ROTI & so on .

SUKHMINDER is closely associate with Rotary leadership institute  & travelled a lot as  a RLI learning facilitator.

SUKHMINDER , strongly believed that leaders are not born, they are developed through proper training & orientation. And RLI is the best place for such training & orientations. 
Sukhminder , proudly introduces himself as a student of Rotary , who is graduated from Rotary leadership institute.

Sukhminder is happily married to Kamaljit (Sumita ) & they are blessed with one son Vishal. Who lives in Scotland & has been married to a Scottish girl, Lynette. Two beautiful flowers blooming in their family named as Alysha & Ariyana